SHINE is a look backward from the present to Salem's 1860 charter. In each year we have four sections: glimpses of what was happening around the world, a special event in Salem, what you see when you visit that site today, and other Salem events of interest that year.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Becoming Historic

Here is Ron Cooper's beautiful portrait of Deepwood Estate as it looks in weather like we are having now. It is one of our most popular historic properties for both visitors and residents.

Our December SHN newsletter, posted today, describes how local properties may qualify for historic designation and explains the necessary Design Review by our Historic Landmarks Commission before external alterations are made to these properties.

Tell us about your Salem historic property or your experience in local historic preservation.


JO said...

As indicated, the design review process is meant to protect the character and quality of our historic neighborhoods, which is why we like to live there, right! So, thanks for providing some easy to understand information about how it works.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photo!~Diana Dickey