Sunday, December 6, 2009
Historic Preservation: Gone Missing

Sunday, November 15, 2009
A Tag of Memory

The photo below shows a typical family as they departed, leaving their homes and all their possessions, taking only one suitcase apiece. At the presentation, we were each given a tag like the ones shown.
We might ask ourselves two questions: How would we feel wearing such identification as our own families left our homes with the uncertain future they faced? What happened to the families who stood on the platform of the Salem Railroad Station more that sixty-five years ago wearing these tags?

Sunday, November 8, 2009
Last walk across the Union Street bridge for 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
The Eagles Have Flown

What a difference Broadway Town Square (below) has made and we all enjoy the Broadway Theater! But we don't want to forget what a noble building this was and so encourage anyone with a historic photo of it in its glory years to send us a copy.

Broadway Theater,
Broadway Town Square,
Market Street
Sunday, October 11, 2009
A New Access to Pringle Creek and Riverfront Park?

Pringle Creek,
State Street
Friday, October 2, 2009
Featuring our Summer Street Heritage

National Register,
Summer Street
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Our Salem Fire Station Museums

This fire station is is dedicated to George Ventura who joined the Salem Fire Department in 1962 as a firefighter. In April of 1980, he was promoted to Deputy Fire marshal where he remained until his unexpected death in 1986. At the time of his death, George was attending a seminar in Yakima, Washington. In his honor, flags at all Salem Fire Stations were lowered to half-staff.

At this Fire Station #10, 3611 State Street, you will see an original hose cart. Considerably lighter than the engine, it required fewer man to transport. The rod has handles for two men, although there may have been a cross bar to enable more men to move it through the streets. This station museum, like the others, has numerous historic photographs and firefighting exhibits.

At Fire Station #7, 5021 Liberty Road S, you will see Salem's second and last steam engine, the 1889 La France, a horse drawn pumper. By 1893, using horses had saved human labor to such an extent that the 220 man volunteer force was reduced to 14 paid firemen. A select number of apprentice firefighters known as "Call Men" would continue to volunteer until 1923 when the department was able to maintain a fully paid force.

The last use of steam power was in 1935 when the State Capitol burned and every piece of usable equipment was needed. Salem Fire Department's only line-of-duty-death occurred when Floyd McMullen, a 19 year-old volunteer fireman"sleeper" for the East Salem Engine Company, was struck and killed by falling debris at the capitol. This station is dedicated to him.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Another member of the Salem Bush Family

The young couple had a home on Bellevue Street, traveled widely and were part of the "Roaring Twenties" social life. Margaret gained local acclaim for riding an elephant in a Rose Bowl Parade in Pasadena. Both Margaret and Asahel died in their forties.
The house has had a progression of improvements as the prune orchard lost acres. The original entrance from the north (now City View Cemetery) led to a carriage house, since made into a residence. The barn was removed for another residence. The landscape still provides a panoramic view to the west over the Willamette River and to the coastal mountains.
Between 1952 and 2008, there were only two owners: Dilbert Milne and Hans Linde.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Before the Parking Garage...
The next time you swing your car into the Chemeketa Parking Garage entrance on Commercial Street, give a thought to what was at that location before the garage was built in the 1970s. In the 1898 photograph above, the business on the corner was the Barnes Cash Store. Mr. Barnes's son Ralph was a Foreign Correspondent for the New York Harold Tribune in Europe during the World War II years and died in an wartime airplane crash in 1940. You may be able to Mr. Fry's name above the Drug Store entrance. That was the Daniel Fry who owned Fry's Hill (Now the High Street property known as Gaiety Hill) and lived in the historic Smith-Fry House. His warehouse was just demolished (the concrete triangle) as part of the Boise-Cascade property renovation. Further south on this block, out of the picture, in the only remaining section of this Eldridge building that stretched from Chemeketa to Court Street: Greenbaum's Quilted Forest, a family business in the third generation that began in the year this photograph was made, still operates there.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Their House Fell on Them
Eileen and Doug Ebanks had already done a lot of research on their 1909 house when we met them in 2007. It was probably built by Adam Korb or his son David, both concrete contractors whose name can be seen pressed into many older sidewalks in Grant and SESNA neighborhoods. By 1962 when this photograph above was taken, the house was owned by Kenneth and Lucille Bass.
Walking in our Grant neighborhood one afternoon, we saw this house and were attracted by the handsome, blue-painted residence with matching fence, flowers and landscaping softening the strict lines. We introduced ourselves to the Eileen and Doug Ebanks who owned the property.
Not many months after we met the Ebanks, we were alarmed to hear the house, on supports to excavate for a basement, had fallen in the middle of the night, July 24, 2008. Eileen, Doug and one of their young sons were sleeping inside. Eileen was seriously injured, the others only superficially. The photograph above was published in the Statesman Journal with an article stating that the Ebanks planned to rebuild their home as close to the original as possible.
5th Avenue,
Statesman Journal,
Tomothy Gonzalez
Sunday, June 21, 2009
The Fall of the House of Dalrymple

Moments later, with with a photographer looking on, the crane slipped as it was lifting the second story onto the moving platform. This was probably the most spectacular house move in Salem history. A parking lot on the northwest corner of Marion and Winter Streets is the site where this elegant Italianate residence once housed the Dalrymple family.
These three photographs are from the Oregon Historical Photograph Collections, Salem Public Library, Salem, Oregon
Below is a series of 12 historic Salem buildings that were more successfully moved to new locations.
Marion Street
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Moving Salem History #12 of 12

The 1903 photograph above is from the Ben Maxwell Collection shows the 1872 Marion County Courthouse in the foreground (demolished in 1952 for the current building) and the 1876 State House (which burned in 1935) in the distance. Between these is the Federal Post Office which had just been built shortly before this picture was taken.

These twelve examples of local historical preservation illustrate the beautiful craftsmanship of past architectural styles. We are fortunate to live among these echoes of Salem history.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Moving Salem History #11 of 12
This Craftsman house was owned in 1907 by Willis S. Duniway and wife Alice. He was the son of Benjamin and Abigail Scott Duniway, a pioneer Oregon advocate of women's suffrage. When the residences of “Piety Hill” were demolished for the construction of the North Capitol Mall (1937-57), this one was spared. Then the residence of former Mayor Louis Lachmund, it was moved in 1937 to Willamette University to serve as residence of the president.

North Capitol Mall,
Piety Hill,
Willamette University
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Salem's Moving History #10 of 12

photograph courtesy of Keith Chilcote
In this original 1890 location at 1118 Oak Street, this house was the residence of the John G. West family: the Wests were parents of Oswald West, later governor of Oregon. At the time the occupation of Mr. West was listed as "drover." In the mid 1890s the house was sold to C. M. Beak and in 1898 to Mrs. A. Klein. The Kleins continued in ownership and residency through the early 1920s. After being used by Willamette University and other owners, it was divided into six living units in 1993. In this late 1990s photograph, the house must be demolished or moved for the expansion of the Salem Hospital.
Fortunately, the house was moved by Sarah and Keith Chilcote and restored to this welcoming appearance. It stands between the two houses they moved from Winter Street (see #8 and #9 of this series) at 2983 D Street.

Oak Street,
Salem Hospital,
West Salem
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Salem's Moving History #8 and #9 of 12

photograph courtesy of Keith Chilcote
The photograph above of residences at 772 and 774 Winter Street NE, was taken in the 1990s when these two Local Landmarks were about to be demolished or removed ~ fortunately, they were relocated and restored by the present owners, Sarah and Keith Chilcote. The house on the left was known historically as the German Methodist Parsonage. The one on the right is the Moon House.The North Capitol Mall Office Building stands there today. Below are earlier pictures in this location and ones taken recently on D Street.
This ghostly picture of the Parsonage was reproduced by Keith from damaged glass plates recovered when the house was moved. It must have been taken in the 1890s when Winter Street was still rural and unpaved. The property was owned by R. P. Boise from the time it was platted until it was sold to the German Methodist Episcopal South Church for use as a parsonage in 1894. The church paid $500 for the property at 772 Winter Street, indicating that there was a dwelling on the property at that time. The photograph was supplied by Keith Chilcote.
Bob Koval took the 1978 photograph above in the same location. Except for the change of front porch detail, the house appears to be as built. Winter Street was much changed in 80 years between the pictures ~ by the late 1970s a residential area almost in the core of the city and, of course, the street was paved.
Here it is today in its restoration at 2981 D Street.
The Moon house, next door to the Parsonage in the 1990s photograph, was built c.1896 for Amos Long, a teacher in the North Salem School. Oscar Moon bought the property in 1911 and resided there until 1941. After the 1940s the house was a rental. It was also photographed (above) by Bob Koval in 1978. We use his photographs through the courtesy of the Oregon Historical Photograph Collections of the Salem Public Library, Salem, Oregon

Moving Salem's History #8 of 12

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Salem's Moving History #7 of 12

This 1910 Bungalow-Colonial Revival home stood at the former 295 Summer Street (lawn in the center of the Mall today) until moved in 1940s for construction of the North Capitol Mall. It was originally the home of the Hinges family. The daughter, Hallie Parrish Hinges (1868-1950) was a well-known vocalist in Salem, being declared by Pres. Teddy Roosevelt during his visit here in 1903 as the "Oregon Nightingale". After 1926 it was owned by Samuel and Sara Kimball.

The 1940s move of the Hinges/Kimball home by the state took it to 735 Capitol Street to be used as an office building. (Today the lawn area south of the Archives Building.) It was photographed in 1978 by Bob Koval. It remained here almost 50 years until the late 1990s when it was moved again for the Archives construction. It was placed three blocks further north on Capitol Street.

Here is the same house, now in private ownership, as it appears in its third location at 1075 Capitol Street NE. Still a handsome building, this Local Landmark has survived two moves and almost 100 years!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Moving Salem's History # 6 of 12

In the 1940s photograph above, the Rev. George H. Swift and his wife Alice posed in front of the St. Paul's Episcopal Church Rectory at 554 Chemeketa Street. The church occupied an adjacent parcel on the corner of Chemeketa and Church Streets, having replaced the original St. Paul's Episcopal Church of 1854. In 1953 the third church was built at its present location at the corner of Liberty and Myers Streets, across from Bush's Pasture Park.

The former rectory was probably moved to this 1510 Davidson Street location in 1953. At the time it became a part of the Gaiety Hill/Bush Pasture Park National Historic Residential District in 1986, the writers of the nomination did not know the story of this house. We are grateful to Marylou Green, a long time church member who identified it for us.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Moving Salem History #5 of 12

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Moving Salem History #3 and #4 of 12

This historic 1934 photograph was taken from the lawn of the old Courthouse on High Street, looking north toward the former City Hall and Senator Hotel, now replaced by a parking lot and the bus center. The Grand Theater is across the street to the left. Now relocated are the World War I statue of the Doughboy (a traditional term for American infantrymen in earlier times) and the small house to the right.

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